As a cattle rancher, it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re doing everything in your power to produce the most high quality beef possible. One way to increase your chances of doing it is by educating yourself about a nationally coordinated program called Beef Quality Assurance, or BQA. It’s a program designed to teach producers and handlers the proper techniques and methods used to produce superior beef. This instills confidence in beef consumers by setting high standards for those who oversee its production.
What is the program’s Focus?
The BQA programs that are in place today focus on all the different aspects of cattle ranching. From practicing good record keeping to making herd health and proper handling and cattle care a top priority, the programs were created to help both beef producers and consumers. When cattle ranchers produce high quality, sustainable beef for the marketplace, they’re able to give consumers a great food experience, improve the environment and pass the ranch to the next generation. BQA is a win/win for everyone.
Demand Continues to Rise
The demand for beef has gone up dramatically in recent years and the amount of high quality beef produced continues to increase. Many people have credited the BQA programs with helping ranchers to meet the growing demand for beef while continuing to sell beef that is of the highest quality. Every year, thousands of people involved in the beef food chain become BQA certified or recertified to make sure that beef consumers are getting safe, healthy, nutritious, great tasting beef.
How it Can Help Your Ranch
If you own a cattle ranch and you or your employees are not BQA Certified you at a disadvantage. It could be hurting your bottom line and affecting the quality of the beef that you’re producing. It could also be hurting the cattle industry as a whole. It’s why you should make BQA Certification a requirement on your ranch.
Flying H Genetics can help you learn more about Beef Quality Assurance. We can also help you produce higher quality beef by using our Bred 4 Profit/Built 2 Work bulls and females. Call or text 308.962.6500 or email dick@flyinghgenetics.com or check out www.flyinghgenetics.com.